The EFQM Model Brochure

A revised second edition of The EFQM Model brochure is now available to buy in the EFQM shop in German  – as a printed copy or an eBookThis revised edition now includes additional information on Use Cases, RADAR Guidelines and Scoring Profiles.

The EFQM Model coupled with the EFQM technology platform, AssessBase, is a highly effective management tool that enables leaders, employees, academics, team members, students and stakeholders to understand how an organisation should set its purpose and deliver on its promises. And to do this in a sustainable and ethical way. I believe you will find this edition even more helpful and insightful in applying the EFQM Model.

Click below to buy your copy now:-

The EFQM Model Revised 2nd Edition printed copy

The EFQM Model Revised 2nd Edition eBook

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